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Harvard Business Review Onpoint Magazine
Harvard Business Review Onpoint Magazine
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Årlig prenumeration: 4 nr | Språk: engelsk | Land: Förenta staterna
€ 164,95
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Harvard Business Review Onpoint Magazine Prenumeration

Harvard Onpoint is the more specialized version of the Harvard Business Review and is considered the ideal publication for business relations and career enhancements for prospective businesspeople that want a specific publication about a certain topic. This highly renowned magazine serves as a collaboration of some of the best-written and most informative articles from the Harvard Business Review and then formed together in a cohesive, quarterly publication that focuses solely on a single, overarching theme. Havard Onpoint offers their readers what is considered to be great insight into that particular sector. Serving a fine blend of priceless business information, Harvard Onpoint is a compelling and intriguing collection of old articles, new articles, and even blog posts, all of which are written by the world’s leading business intellectuals, management scholars, and individuals who have experienced unparalleled success in the business sector.

Harvard Business Review Onpoint Magazine Köp i Sverige.

Beställ enkelt och snabbt en prenumeration på Harvard Business Review Onpoint Magazine i Sverige på Engelskatidskrifter.se. Vi specialiserar oss på försäljning och leverans av engelska och amerikanska tidskrifter. Vi skickar Harvard Business Review Onpoint Magazine gratis till din svenska adress och kommer aldrig att förnya din prenumeration automatiskt. I god tid innan din prenumerationsperiod löper ut frågar vi dig om du vill förlänga den med ytterligare ett år.

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