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Humor Times Magazine
Humor Times Magazine
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Årlig prenumeration: 12 nr | Språk: engelsk | Land: Förenta staterna
€ 109,95
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Humor Times Magazine Prenumeration

The Humor Times magazine is for those who want to laugh, rather than cry, about the news! Full of hilarious editorial cartoons and humor columns, it shows up in your mailbox once a month and keeps you smiling all year! In today's world, you need a reason to laugh. So we start with the finest political cartoons, arranged by subject and strung together with a narrative, to “report” the news, cartoon style! Then you get humor columnists such as nationally popular political comedian Will Durst, Paul Lander’s “Ripping the Headlines Today,” a funny horoscope column, a section of satirical “news” stories and more. We top it all off with lots of great non-political panel cartoons like "Cornered" by Mike Baldwin, "Bizarro" by Dan Piraro and more. Find more to laugh about!

Humor Times Magazine Köp i Sverige

Beställ enkelt och snabbt en prenumeration på Humor Times Magazine i Sverige på Engelskatidskrifter.se. Vi specialiserar oss på försäljning och leverans av engelska och amerikanska tidskrifter. Vi skickar Humor Times Magazine gratis till din svenska adress och kommer aldrig att förnya din prenumeration automatiskt. I god tid innan din prenumerationsperiod löper ut frågar vi dig om du vill förlänga den med ytterligare ett år.

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