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Threads Magazine
Threads Magazine
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Årlig prenumeration: 6 nr | Språk: engelsk | Land: Förenta staterna
€ 74,95
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Threads Magazine Prenumeration

Threads is a perfect forum where expert sewers can meet enthusiastic sewers. Beginners, professionals and seasoned sewers can hear each other here. The magazine provides all information in detail that is required for sewing. From the kinds of fabrics one can work with, to the different fits and fittings possible, expert tips on how to get the best of of a design and the fabric, latest designs in fashion, all this and more is in these lovely pages. Fashion gurus and professional designers share the new and the latest designs, their tips and tricks. Follow the easy to follow guidelines and steps and surprise yourself with the perfect piece of garment. Not just clothes and fashion, but redecorate your house and your life with the colorful accessories. Each page has a new surprise, things you never knew you could make.

Threads Magazine Köp i Sverige.

Beställ enkelt och snabbt en prenumeration på Threads Magazine i Sverige på Engelskatidskrifter.se. Vi specialiserar oss på försäljning och leverans av engelska och amerikanska tidskrifter. Vi skickar Threads Magazine gratis till din svenska adress och kommer aldrig att förnya din prenumeration automatiskt. I god tid innan din prenumerationsperiod löper ut frågar vi dig om du vill förlänga den med ytterligare ett år.

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