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Wargames Soldiers & Strategy Magazine (English Edition) Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
Wargames Soldiers & Strategy Magazine (English Edition) Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
Wargames Soldiers & Strategy Magazine (English Edition)
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Årlig prenumeration: 6 nr | Språk: engelsk | Land: Nederländerna
€ 59,95
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Wargames Soldiers & Strategy Magazine (English Edition) Prenumeration

Wargaming is a timeless hobby played out through the use of miniatures to re-enact historical battles or fictional scenarios. For those who aren’t into armies of elves and orcs clashing or the epics of space marines, Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy is the perfect guide into historical and modern world battles. Each issue offers scenario guides to play out and tips on creating appropriate model battlefields for more hand-on enthusiasts. In addition to step-by-step assistance to playing out slices of history, this magazine also offers reviews of the latest ready-made miniatures for wargaming fans who are less interested in the modelling side of things.

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